Admission & Sponsorship Details
Tee-Time Titan ~ $2,500
FOUR (4) golfers will be treated to 18-holes on the championship Como Crossings course with a cart, lunch on the go, dinner & awards. All golfers will receive VIP wristbands, mulligans, drink ticket, and swag for this fun event. Hole sign sponsorship on Como Crossings.
Tavern on the Green ~ $1,000
Provide lunch and/or dinner meals for all participants and volunteers. Acknowledgement with company digital logo & link on event website, room signage and event screen rotations.
Par Patron ~ $500
Sponsor beverage cart and includes signage on both courses. Acknowledgment with name and/or company digital logo & link on event website, room sign & screen rotations.
Divot Defender ~$500
Sponsor the rule sheet and your name and/or company digital logo will be seen throughout the day on each golf cart. Acknowledgment with company digital logo & link on event website, and event day print sign & screen rotations.
Putting Partner ~ $100
Signage on the course as a game sponsor. Acknowledgment with company digital logo on event day screen rotations and hole sign.
Fairway Friend ~$50
Support the mission of Open Arms Free Clinic. Acknowledgment listing on event day screen rotations.